Thursday, 14 November 2019

Tools to unlock iPhone

Tag: iPhone Unlock Toolkit 2019

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By mkoonline

How ijalbreak work and what types of phone needs it


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Jailbreak, Root or Unlock Your Smartphone - FAQ

By Marshall Honorof 03 December 2013



This primer provides a breakdown of what it means to jailbreak, root or unlock your phone.

Thanks to We the People, a government website that makes petitioning the White House easy and straightforward, concerned American citizens have gotten responses to everything from gun violence to the feasibility of building a Death Star. One petition in March 2013 implored President Barack Obama to legalize the unlocking of smartphones — a move that would allow consumers to transfer phone service from one wireless provider to another.

The citizens got their way, with some caveats. The White House said it will work with the Library of Congress (which, oddly, has responsibility for this matter) to make sure that users, not phone companies, have control over the devices that the customers purchased.

In practical terms, does this mean that you'll be able to break free of Apple's carefully curated App Store? Not necessarily. That's "jailbreaking," which is different from unlocking. And then there's "rooting," which applies only to Android phones.

MORE: 10 Pros and Cons of Jailbreaking Your iPhone or iPad

Don't ask about tablets; that gets even more perplexing.

If you're confused, you're not alone. This primer provides a breakdown of what you can and can't do with your phone, at least until the White House says otherwise.

Why do the White House and the Library of Congress get to decide how consumers use their gadgets in the first place?

It's a long story, written almost entirely in legalese. In a nutshell, Congress passed legislation in 1998 called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). This law states that tampering with software is a form of copyright infringement, which places implementation of, and exemption from, the DMCA under the purview of the Library of Congress.

Jailbreaking, rooting, unlocking or otherwise tampering with a phone's operating system requires a pretty big system overhaul. In effect, users require special permission from the Library of Congress to modify their phones.

What is jailbreaking?

Jailbreaking is the most narrowly defined procedure of the three, but arguably the most useful — if you have an Apple device, anyway.

An iPhone in its natural state can only run the way Apple intended. Consumers must accept Apple's user interface, cannot examine the phone's file system and can only download applications from Apple's official App Store. Apps available for jailbroken phones, on the other hand, include classic video game emulators, software that removes Apple's size limits for 3G/4G downloads, and themes that radically change the form and function of the iPhone's home screen and menus.

While Apple sometimes limits "mature" or controversial content, content for jailbroken phones faces no such restrictions.

How do I jailbreak an iPhone?

Jailbreaking an iPhone can be a complicated process. Hackers like to stay ahead of the curve, though, and users can now get their hands on free software, such as evasi0n, that automates the procedure. Best of all, the Library of Congress has exempted this process from DMCA prohibitions following the We the People petition.

Can you jailbreak an Android phone?

There's no need. Android users don't have to jailbreak their phones, because Android devices already allow multiple sources for apps: Google, Amazon, Verizon and user-distributed, just to name a few. If Android users want to download and install untested, potentially dangerous third-party apps, that's their prerogative (and, in some cases, risk).

Can you jailbreak other kinds of phones?


Users can also jailbreak other devices, such as Windows Phones and BlackBerrys, but the benefits aren't as obvious. The regular app selection on these platforms is anemic compared to those offered by Apple and Android, and the unofficial app selection is even weaker.

What is rooting?

Some Android users perform a different operation, and "root" their phones. This makes it possible for users to get rid of preinstalled apps, such as Kindle, Blockbuster and Zappos, which wireless companies often stick on new phones. Phone owners can also install the latest versions of the Android OS (without waiting for their carrier to make it available) and even turn their phones into mobile Wi-Fi hotspots without paying an extra fee.

Is rooting phones legal?

Like jailbreaking iPhones, rooting Android phones is also exempted from the DMCA. However, both jailbreaking and rooting may void a phone's warranty. If you want to "unroot" an Android phone or undo a jailbreak on an iPhone before returning the device, it's only a little more difficult than rooting or jailbreaking the phone in the first place.

What is unlocking a phone?

Most phones are tethered to a certain provider: Buy a phone through an AT&T contract, and it won't run on T-Mobile. Unlocking phones allows users to make use of any mobile carrier willing to offer service, provided that the wireless technology is compatible. (AT&T and T-Mobile are compatible because they run on the GSM standard; Verizon and Sprint are compatible because they use the CDMA standard. Other carrier combinations are generally not compatible, but there are exceptions.)

How can I unlock a phone?


You can't, but your carrier can. AT&T, for example, will unlock any phone at the end of a user's contract. "We will unlock your device if that's what you'd like once you've fulfilled the terms of your service agreement," said Mark Siegel, executive director of media relations at AT&T. "If you bring an unlocked device that'll work on our network, we'll provide you a SIM and set up your service."

Is it legal to unlock my phone?

Unlike jailbreaking and rooting, it's not strictly legal for users to unlock their own phones in the United States. While the Library of Congress ruled that buying and selling older unlocked phones is OK, it is not legal to unlock phones purchased after January 2013.

If the president gets his way, however, the Library of Congress may be forced to change its tune. "The White House agrees with the 114,000+ of you who believe that consumers should be able to unlock their cell phones without risking criminal or other penalties," wrote R. David Edelman, a White House senior adviser for Internet, innovation and policy, in a reply to the petition. For now, the Library of Congress seems willing to work with the president.

In other words, hang on to your preferred phone, but don't unlock it just yet.

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By mkoonline

How to unlock iPhone using ijailbreak.



How To Jailbreak iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple TV And Apple Watch: Everything You Need To Know

Welcome to iJailbreak’s How To Jailbreak section. Here you will learn how to jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Apple TV and Apple Watch running a variety of firmware versions. Simply scroll through our how to jailbreak section for the firmware version you are trying to jailbreak, and follow one of our how to guides.

An Introduction To Jailbreaking

Jaibreaking. You have probably heard the word thrown around in a conversation, or read about it on the internet. Just what is Jailbreaking and how do you Jailbreak? These are the questions I hope to answer in this analysis, as well as some other commonly asked questions.

A common misconception about Jailbreaking is that it something people do to pirate apps from the App Store. There is no denying that a lot of people Jailbreak for this purpose, but why Jailbreaking exists is certainly not for piracy. Jailbreaking is really about innovation and having the freedom to make your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Apple TV your own.

When you Jailbreak your iOS device you are opening yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities. No longer are you shackled by Apple’s restrictions on what type of applications are allowed to be installed. When you Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Apple TV you get to decide how your device functions and what types of modifications you want to do to it. In a way you could compare Jailbreaking your iOS device to modifying vehicles. If people want to modify their vehicle they can buy a new stereo system, swap our their rims or even go as far as installing a bodykit or painting the car a completely different color. The same goes for Jailbreaking. When you Jailbreak your iOS device you can change the way it functions and completely modify how it looks.

Why Should You Jailbreak

There are many reasons why someone would want to Jailbreak their iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Apple TV. We have already briefly discussed why you should Jailbreak your iOS device, you open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities, but what does this mean exactly?

As you can see from the infographic above, there is many things you can do to your Jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. These range from being able to send text messages from inside applications to playing Nintendo 64 games on an emulator.

A Whole New Texting Experience: There are a lot of tweaks available for modifying the stock messaging experience on the iPhone. With tweaks such as BiteSMS you can reply and compose messages without having to leave the app you are currently in, add signatures to your messages, delay sending, display contact pictures and much more.Easier To Access Toggles: When you want to quickly switch your iOS device to Airplane mode, disable Wi-Fi or turn on Bluetooth, you are forced to launch the Settings app. Although this isn’t necessarily that much of a chore for toggles that are displayed on the front page, when a specific toggle is in different sections it can become cumbersome to always enable/disable it. Tweaks like SBSettings make it so with a single swipe on the status bar a pop-up window can appear with all your most frequently used toggles.Customize The User Interface: Jailbreaking your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad allows it to be themed using utilities like WinterBoard or DreamBoard. There are literally thousands of themes available for your device that resemble other user interfaces from Android or Windows Phone, and there are some themes that are just plain extraordinary. If you do not want to change the entire interface of your iOS device, but rather change something as simple as the slide-to-unlock text or status bar color, this is indeed possible. Tweaks like Springtomize 2 give you complete control over how different UI elements look.Unlimited Apps: Apple imposes restrictions on how many apps you can place inside folders, on the dock or on a specific page. With tweaks like infinifolders and infinidock you place as many apps as you want inside folders, on the dock or on a page because of the added scrolling functionality. You can even make it so there is more rows or columns on your homescreen.Custom Widgets: Just like how Android smartphones and tablets can benefit from widgets, so can your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad once it is Jailbroken. Tweaks like Dashboard X allow you to place a variety of widgets on your homscreen to display the weather, toggles or music controls.Teach Siri New Tricks: Siri is smarter than you think and can actually be taught new tricks. There is a ton of Cydia tweaks for Siri that allow you to get Siri to translate different words or phrases for you, activate Siri hands-free and even start your car if it has a remote starter.Emulators: One of the biggest reasons people Jailbreak their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad is to take advantage of the variety of emulators that are available. These range from Game Boy Advance emulators to Nintendo 64 emulators and most of the time work flawlessly on your iOS device.Hardly Scratching The Surface: This hardly scratches the surface of what you can do to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad once it is Jailbroken. Other possibilities include facial unlocking, torrent downloads, Safari downloads, FaceTime over 3G, iPhone tethering and screen recording.

Hopefully you can see there are a ton of things you can do to your iOS device once it is Jailbroken, and that it is indeed worth doing. As for Jailbreaking the Apple TV, I could do another infographic and explain to you all the benefits like I did for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, but you are better off checking out the official aTV Flash website. aTV Flash (black), developed by FireCore, is the best modification for the Jailbroken Apple TV and it allows you to go beyond iTunes, surf the web, access your media anywhere and so much more.

Common Questions Asked Regarding Jailbreaking

Jailbreaking is an extremely misunderstood concept, and as a result there are many myths about Jailbreaking that end up being believed. In this next section we hope to clear up some of the most commonly asked questions regarding Jailbreaking.

Is Jailbreaking legal?

According to the DMCA Jailbreaking smartphones is legal in the United States. Unfortunately there is no word on the legality of Jailbreaking in countries other than the United States, but who’s stopping you? You purchased your device and you’re allowed to do what you want. If Apple was to take legal action against Jailbreaking, it wouldn’t be against you, but rather the developers of the Jailbreaks.

Will Jailbreaking Void My Warranty?

When you Jailbreak your iOS device it does void your warranty. However, if you ever need to actually use your warranty then you can simply restore your device through iTunes and it will be back to its original factory settings. Once your device is restored Apple cannot tell if it has been Jailbroken or not.

Can Jailbreaking Damage My Device?

Unlike a lot of modifications for other electronics that require you to internally modify your device. Jailbreaking is strictly modifying the iOS operating system that your device is running. This means if you ever experience errors with your device, simply restore it through iTunes and it will return to normal.

Is There A Downside To Jailbreaking?

The only downside to Jailbreaking is that when Apple releases a new firmware version you are not able to update your device to it if you wish to maintain your Jailbreak. When you update your firmware to the latest iOS version, it results in your Jailbreak being lost. It often times takes developers weeks, if not months to bring a Jailbreak to compatibility with the latest firmware version, and as such you may not always get to experience the latest Apple iOS improvements until a later date. Considering Jailbreaking can extend your device’s functionality by a ten-fold, any update that Apple introduces should not match what is possible when you Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. It is important to keep in mind though, that once a new Jailbreak is released you can indeed proceed to updating to the latest firmware version. It just means any of the tweaks/modifications you have done will need to be manually re-installed, unless you back them up using a utility like Aptbackup.

What’s The Difference Between A Tethered And Untethered Jailbreak?

There are two types of Jailbreaks available when you go to Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad – a Tethered Jailbreak or an Untethered Jailbreak. An Untethered Jailbreak means that your device will function as normal once Jailbroken. A Tethered Jailbreak on the other hand is different. It means that when you Jailbreak you cannot power your device off. When you do this while your Jailbreak is Tethered it means in order for your device to turn back on you will need to plug it into the computer and re-run RedSn0w over again. Once you do this your device functions as normal… no data is lost. Hence the term tethered, because you are Tethered to your computer.

Now why would a Jailbreak be Tethered? Well the only reason a Jailbreak would be Tethered is if the developers behind the Jailbreak for a specific firmware version are having a hard time Jailbreaking it. If this is the case often times they will release a Tethered Jailbreak and then an Untethered Jailbreak later on once they find a suitable exploit.

Can I Install Apps From The Apple App Store Still?

Yes! When you Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you can continue using it how you would before it was Jailbroken. This involves being able to download applications from the App Store.

How Can I Install Tweaks/3rd Party Apps Once Jailbroken?

After Jailbreaking your iOS device a new application will appear on your home screen called Cydia. What this application is, is essentially the App Store for tweaks/3rd party apps that are only available on Jailbroken devices. Cydia actually looks fairly similar to the official Apple App Store, but is a little less polished. If you can use the App Store, then you will have no troubles using Cydia.

Jailbreak Device And iOS Compatibility

Jailbreaking is supported with almost all models of the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV. Unfortunately however, newer models and new iOS firmware versions can often times take months before they are supported. As such, if your current device is not supported ensure you follow iJailbreak to know exactly when a Jailbreak will come out for it.

Jailbreak The iPhone

iPhone 6s Plus: iOS 9
iPhone 6s: iOS 9
iPhone 6 Plus: iOS 8
iPhone 6: iOS 8
iPhone 5s: iOS 6
iPhone 5c: iOS 6
iPhone 5: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, iOS 6.0.1, iOS 6.0.2, iOS 6.1)
iPhone 4S: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0)
iPhone 4: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0,6.0.1) + iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0) + iOS 4 (4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.10, 4.2.9, 4.2.8, 4.2.7, 4.2.6, 4.2.1, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0)
iPhone 3GS: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, 6.0.1) + iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0) + iOS 4 (4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.1, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0) + iOS 3 (3.1.3)
iPhone 3G: iOS 4 (4.2.1, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0) + iOS 3 (3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1, 3.0.1, 3.0) + iOS 2 (iOS 2.2.1, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0)
iPhone 2G: iOS 3 (3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1, 3.0.1, 3.0) + iOS 2 (iOS 2.2.1, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0) + iOS 1 (iOS 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1, 1.02, 1.0.1, 1.0.0)

Jailbreak The iPod Touch

iPod Touch 6G: iOS 9
iPod Touch 5G: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, iOS 6.0.1, iOS 6.1)
iPod Touch 4G: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, 6.0.1) + iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0) + iOS 4 (iOS 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.1, 4.1)
iPod Touch 3G: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0) + iOS 4 (iOS 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.1, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0) + iOS 3 (3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1.1)
iPod Touch 2G: iOS 4 (iOS 4.2.1, 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0) + iOS 3 (iOS 3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1.1, 3.0) + iOS 2 (iOS 2.1.1)
iPod Touch 1G: iOS 3 (iOS 3.1.3, 3.1.2, 3.1, 3.0) + iOS 2 (iOS 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.1, 2.0) + iOS 1 (iOS 1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.1.1)

Jailbreak The iPad

iPad Pro:
iPad Air 2:
iPad Air:
iPad Mini 4:
iPad Mini 3:
iPad Mini 2:
iPad Mini: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, iOS 6.0.1, iOS 6.0.2, iOS 6.1)
iPad 4: iOS 6 (iOS 6.0, iOS 6.0.1, iOS 6.1)
iPad 3: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1)
iPad 2: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, 5.0.1) + iOS 4 (iOS 4.3.3)
iPad 1: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1.1, iOS 5.1, iOS 5.0.1, iOS 5.0) + iOS 4 (iOS 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.1) + iOS 3 (iOS 3.2.2, 3.2.1, 3.2)

Jailbreak The Apple TV

Apple TV 3G: Not Supported
Apple TV 3G: Not Supported
Apple TV 2G: iOS 5 (iOS 5.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.1, 5.0) + iOS 4 (iOS 4.4.4, 4.4.3, 4.4.2, 4.4.1, 4.4, 4.3, 4.3/4.2.2, 4.3/4.2.1, 4.3/4.2, 4.2.1/4.1.1, 4.2/4.1, 4.1/4.0)

Download Nito Installer To Install NitoTV, XBMC, XBMC Addons On Jailbroken Apple TVNito Installer Now Installs XBMC To Apple TV 2 From iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch; Or Installs XBMC LocallyXBMC Hub Wizard For iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Configures Popular XBMC Plugins–Also Configures Apple TVNito Installer Now Available For Windows; Installs XBMC To Jailbroken Apple TV 2

Jailbreak The Apple Watch

Apple Watch: Not Supported

How To Jailbreak

Now that you have suddenly become a Jailbreak expert, and have checked to ensure the device you are trying to Jailbreak is compatible, you are probably wondering just how one goes about Jailbreaking their iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. In the past Jailbreaking your iOS device used to involved typing commands into terminal, and was fairly complicated. Nowadays Jailbreaking tools have become extremely easy to use and often times require only clicking a single button.

There are actually many Jailbreaking tools that you may have heard of that can Jailbreak your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Apple TV. The most popular Jailbreaking tools include, and Absinthe. Luckily for you however, you don’t need to worry about which tool you are going to use to Jailbreak your iOS device. We have written numerous guides on Jailbreaking on a variety of firmware versions, and as such simply scroll through the list below and find a guide that is specific to you.

Some pointers to keep in mind before Jailbreaking your iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad or Apple TV include backing up your device to avoid losing any data and re-reading the instructions for Jailbreaking your particular device a couple times over. During the Jailbreaking process make sure iTunes stays closed, and that you do not touch your device or your computer. Furthermore, don’t forget the cardinal rule of Jailbreak: DO NOT update to a new firmware version until you know there is an Untethered Jailbreak available.

Note: We have written hundreds of guides for Jailbreaking your iOS Device, and this means for some firmware versions there will be both Tethered and Untethered guides. If you indeed see both a Tethered and Untethered Jailbreak guide you will obviously want to follow the Untethered guide because who wants a Tethered Jailbreak!

Unjailbreak iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad Without Restoring

Cydia Impactor

iOS 9.1, 9.2 Beta iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

iOS 9.1 And iOS 9.2 Beta Jailbreak Found, But It Won’t Be Released

iOS 9, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Pangu 9 (Mac OS X)Pangu 9 (Windows)

iOS 8.4 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

PP Jailbreak Tool (Mac OS X)TaiG (Windows)

iOS 8.3 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

TaiG (Windows)

iOS 8.2 Beta 1 / Beta 2 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

TaiG (Windows)

iOS 8.1.2 On iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

PP Jailbreak Tool (Mac OS X)TaiG (Windows)

iOS 8.1.1 On iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

TaiG (Windows)

iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Pangu (Windows)

iOS 7.1.2 On iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

Pangu (Windows)

iOS 7.1.1 On iPhone /  iPod Touch / iPad

Pangu (Windows)

iOS 7 – iOS 7.0.4 On iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

Evasi0n7 (Mac OS X/Windows)

iOS 6.1.5, 6.1.4, 6.1.3 On iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch

P0sixpwn (Mac OS X/Windows)

iOS 6.1.3 On iPhone / iPod Touch

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak A4 Devices Tethered Running iOS 6.1.3 With RedSn0w

iOS 6.1.2 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Evasi0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.1.2 Untethered With Evasi0n

iOS 6.1.1 On iPhone

Evasi0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.1.1 Untethered On iPhone 4S With Evasi0n 1.3

iOS 6.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Evasi0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.1 On iPhone, iPod Touch Or iPad With Evasi0n

iOS 6.0.2 On iPhone / iPad

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.0.2 On iPhone Or iPad With Evasi0n

iOS 6.0.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Evasi0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 On iPhone, iPod Touch Or iPad With Evasi0n

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G On iOS 6.0.1 Tethered With RedSn0w 0.9.15b3

SnowBreeze (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.0.1 Tethered With Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 On iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS And iPod Touch 4G

iOS 6.0 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Evasi0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.0 On iPhone, iPod Touch Or iPad With Evasi0n

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G On iOS 6 Tethered With RedSn0w 0.9.15b1

Sn0wBreeze (Widows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 6.0 Tethered With Sn0wBreeze 2.9.7 On iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS And iPod Touch 4G

iOS 5.1.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Absinthe (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Using Absinthe 2.0 / 2.0.1

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS On iOS 5.1.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8b

iOS 5.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS Tethered On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b6How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G Tethered On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b6How To Jailbreak iPad 2G/1G On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak First-Gen iPad Tethered On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b6

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 5.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iOS 5.1 Tethered On iPhone 4/3GS With RedSn0w 0.9.10b6How To Jailbreak iOS 5.1 Tethered On iPod Touch 4G/3G With RedSn0w 0.9.10b6How To Jailbreak iOS 5.1 Tethered On First-Gen iPad Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b6

iOS 5.0.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Absinthe (Mac OS X / Windows / Linux)

Jailbreak iPhone 4S Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Mac]Jailbreak iPhone 4S Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Windows]Jailbreak iPhone 4S Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Linux]Jailbreak iPad 2 Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Mac]Jailbreak iPad 2 Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Windows]Jailbreak iPad 2 Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using Absinthe [Linux]

PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS Running iOS 5.0.1 Untethered With PwnageTool 5.0.1How To Preserve iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS Baseband On iOS 5.0.1 With PwnageTool 5.0.1How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G Running iOS 5.0.1 Untethered With PwnageTool 5.0.1How To Jailbreak iPad First-Gen Running iOS 5.0.1 Untethered With PwnageTool 5.0.1

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4S On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iPhone 4, 3GS Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G, 3G On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8How To Jailbreak iPad First-Generation Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPad (First Generation) On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4S/4/3GS On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8How To Jailbreak iPad 2G/1G On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak First Gen iPad Untethered On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b1How To Jailbreak iPad (First-Gen) On iOS 5.0.1 Using RedSn0w 0.9.9b8

iOS 5 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 5.0 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 On iPhone 4/iPhone 3GS With RedSn0w 0.9.9b6How To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered On iPhone 4/iPhone 3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 On iPod Touch 4G/iPod Touch 3G With RedSn0w 0.9.9b6How To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered On iPod TouchHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 On iPad (First-Generation) With RedSn0w 0.9.9b6How To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered On iPad 1G

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 5.0 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 With RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 On iPhone 4/iPhone 3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered On iPhone 4/iPhone 3GSHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G On iOS 5.0 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 With RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 On iPod Touch 4G/iPod Touch 3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered On iPod TouchHow To Jailbreak iPad 2G/1G On iOS 5.0 Using RedSn0w 0.9.10b8bHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 With RedSn0w 0.9.9b5 On iPad (First-Generation)How To Jailbreak iOS 5 Semitethered iPad 1G

Sn0wBreeze (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 7 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b7 On iPhoneHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b6 On iPhoneHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 7 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b7 On iPod TouchHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b6 On iPod TouchHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 7 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b7 On iPadHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 6 With Sn0wBreeze v2.8b6 On iPad

Jailbreak iOS 4.4.2 On Apple TV

Jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.2 (9A336a) Firmware With Seas0nPass [Mac OS X/Windows]

iOS 4.3.5 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPad (First-Generation)How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPad (First-Generation)

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b7 On iPad (First-Generatio)How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b4 On iPad (First-Generation)

iOS 4.3.4 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPad (First-Generation)

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPhone 4/3GSHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPod Touch 4G/3GHow To Jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 With RedSn0w 0.9.8b3 On iPad (First-Generation)

iOS 4.3.3 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad / Apple TV

JailbreakMe (Windows / Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Your iPhone With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPod Touch With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPad 1G and iPad 2G With JailbreakMe 3.0

PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.3! [PwnageTool 4.3.3]How To Jailbreak the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.3! [PwnageTool 4.3.3]How To Jailbreak the iPhone iPad Running iOS 4.3.3! [PwnageTool 4.3.3]How To Jailbreak the Apple TV 2G Running iOS 4.3.3! [PwnageTool 4.3.3]

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPad Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPad Running iOS 4.3.3! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc15]

iOS 4.3.2 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

JailbreakMe (Windows / Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Your iPhone With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPod Touch With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPad 1G With JailbreakMe 3.0

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPad Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]How To Jailbreak Untethered the iPad Running iOS 4.3.2! [RedSn0w 0.9.6rc13]

iOS 4.3.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad / Apple TV

JailbreakMe (Windows / Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Your iPhone With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPod Touch With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPad 1G With JailbreakMe 3.0

PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.1! [PwnageTool 4.3]How To Jailbreak the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.1! [PwnageTool 4.3]How To Jailbreak the iPad 2G Running iOS 4.3.1! [PwnageTool 4.3]How To Jailbreak the Apple TV 2G Running iOS 4.3.1! [PwnageTool 4.3]

Sn0wBreeze (Windows)

How To Jailbreak the iPhone Running iOS 4.3.1! [Sn0wbreeze 2.5]How To Jailbreak the iPod Touch Running iOS 4.3.1! [Sn0wbreeze 2.5]How To Jailbreak the iPad Running iOS 4.3.1! [Sn0wbreeze 2.5]How To Jailbreak the Apple TV 2G Running iOS 4.3.1! [Sn0wbreeze 2.5]

iOS 4.3 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad / Apple TV

JailbreakMe (Windows / Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak Your iPhone With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPod Touch With JailbreakMe 3.0How To Jailbreak Your iPad 1G With JailbreakMe 3.0

Seas0nPass (Windows)

How To Jailbreak Apple TV Untethered 4.4.4 (9A406a) Firmware With Seas0nPassHow To Jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.4 (9A406a) Firmware With Seas0nPassHow To Jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.3 (9A4051) Firmware With Seas0nPassHow To Jailbreak Apple TV 4.4.2 (9A336a) Firmware With Seas0nPassHow To Jailbreak Apple TV 2G Untethered On iOS 4.3 Build 8F455 Using Seas0nPass

Seas0nPass (Mac OS X/Windows)

Jailbreak Apple TV 2G Untethered On iOS 4.3 Build 8F455 Using Seas0nPass

iOS 4.2.1 On iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad/Apple TV

RedSn0w (Windows)

How To Jailbreak and Update Your iPhone To Unlock iOS 4.2.1 With Redsn0w 0.9.6b5How To Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 On iPhone 3G/3GS/4 Using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4How To Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 On iPod Touch Using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4How To Jailbreak iPad on iOS 4.2.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4

RedSn0w (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak and Update Your iPhone To Unlock iOS 4.2.1 With Redsn0w 0.9.6b5How To Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 On iPhone 3G/3GS/4 Using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4How To Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 On iPod Touch Using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4How To Jailbreak iPad on iOS 4.2.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.6b4

PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iPhone On iOS 4.2.1 with PwnageTool 4.2How To Jailbreak iPod Touch On iOS 4.2.1 with PwnageTool 4.2How To Jailbreak iPad On iOS 4.2.1 with PwnageTool 4.2How To Jailbreak Apple TV 2G On iOS 4.2.1 with PwnageTool 4.2

GreenPois0n (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone on iOS 4.2.1 Firmware Untethered for Windows! [GreenPois0n RC5 b2]How To Jailbreak iPod Touch on iOS 4.2.1 Firmware Untethered for Windows! [GreenPois0n RC5 b2]HowTo Jailbreak iPad on iOS 4.2.1 Firmware Untethered for Windows! [GreenPois0n RC5 b2]

GreenPois0n (Mac OS X)

How To Untether the iOS4.2.1 Firmware on iPhone with GreenPois0n RC5How To Untether the iOS4.2.1 Firmware on iPod Touch with GreenPois0n RC5How To Untether the iOS4.2.1 Firmware on iPad with GreenPois0n RC5How To Jailbreak Apple TV2, iOS 4.2.1, with Greenpois0n RC6

Seas0nPass (Mac OS X/Windows)

Jailbreak Apple TV On iOS 4.2.1 With Seas0nPass

iOS 4.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4 on iOS 4.1 using Redsn0w 0.9.6 beta2How To Jailbreak iPhone 3G iOS 4.1 using RedSn0wHow To Jailbreak iPhone 3G on iOS 4.1 w/ RedSn0w

PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

How To Jailbreak iPhone/iPod Touch On iOS 4.1 Using PwnageToolHow To Create a Custom iOS 4.1 IPSW, with PwnageTool 4.1

GreenPois0n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 2G (MC & MB Model) On iOS 4.1 With Greenpois0nHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 3G/4G On iOS 4.1 Using Greenpois0nHow To Jailbreak iPhone 4/3GS On iOS 4.1 With Greenpois0nHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 2G (MC & MB Model) On iOS 4.1 With GreenPois0nHow To Jailbreak iPod Touch 3G/4G On iOS 4.1 Using GreenPois0n

Sn0wBreeze (Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 3GS, iOS4, New Bootrom, with Detailed Instructions from iH8Sn0wHow To Jailbreak iPhone 3G/3GS/4 on iOS 4.1 with Sn0wbreeze v2.1How To Jailbreak iOS 4.1 With Sn0wbreeze v1.8

LimeRa1n (Mac OS X/Windows)

How To Jailbreak iPhone 4 on iOS 4.1, with Limera1n on Windows [Video]How To Jailbreak iPod Touch 4G/3G On iOS 4.1 Using LimeRa1nHow To Jailbreak iPhone 4, on iOS 4.1, with Limera1n on Mac OS X

Jailbreak iOS 4.0.2 On iPhone / iPod Touch

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

Jailbreak iOS 4, 4.0.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch

RedSn0w (Mac OS X/Windows)JailbreakMe (Mac OS X/Windows)PwnageTool (Mac OS X)

Jailbreak iOS 3.2.2 On iPad

LimeRa1n (Windows)GreenPois0n (Mac OS X/Windows)Sn0wBreeze (Windows)

Jailbreak iOS 3.1.3, 3.2, 3.2.1 On iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad

Spirit (Mac OS X/Windows)JailbreakMe (Mac OS X/Windows)

Jailbreak iOS 4.2.6, 4.2.7, 4.2.8, 4.2.10 (Verizon iPhone 4 CDMA)



orca says

NOVEMBER 26, 2012 AT 7:13 AM

amh…can i ask if..can i jailbreak again my idevice, for second time……. i have a jailbroken ipod touch. firmware 5.0.1..and i want to update it,,, if i update it to the latest firmware can i jailbreak it again….???????? please help………

asas says

DECEMBER 18, 2012 AT 6:06 PM

it dosent matter as long as u install the app it should be fine.

Andres Romero says

JANUARY 28, 2013 AT 9:32 PM

i doing the jailbreak but went finish the rebooting get out a message saying i missing .plist keys what i can do

i0smaster99 says

MARCH 27, 2013 AT 10:22 PM

does it matter if you click iphone 5.1.1 if your iphone doesnt have service

Szza says

MARCH 31, 2013 AT 10:31 PM

Is there is anyway to Jailbreak a iPhone 5??? I have only seen compability for iPhone 4S

tilash says

JUNE 29, 2013 AT 4:21 AM

i want to know how install jailbreak on my pc

mara says

NOVEMBER 5, 2015 AT 12:51 AM

does it make a difference if i have a 4s with ios 9.1? is it still possible to jailbreak it?

Nerro says

DECEMBER 20, 2015 AT 4:36 AM

Can i install a iOS 8.x version on iPhone 4 A1332 model?
Official latest iOS for my device is 7.1.2 a I am wondering that can I install a newer iOS jailbreaken version?
Pls answer

Rick says

MAY 29, 2016 AT 1:18 PM

I am very new to the apple device thing and have a couple of questions about the jail breaking thing I own an unlocked iPhone 4s and it has been updated to the newest 9.3.2 version of the apple ios is there a jailbreak for my phone with this version or is there a way to go back to an older version of the ios to be able to do this I would really like to try this out on this device I have a home based business fixing and repairing computers phones and tablets and have had numerous requests from customers if I can do this and would really like to learn how on my device first

thank you for any help you could provide it is very much appreciated

Court says

DECEMBER 30, 2016 AT 12:38 AM

Can I use zjailbreak and pangu jailbreak together?

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Tuesday, 5 November 2019





You’d be surprised how many guys repeatedly go after girls that clearly don’t like them back or aren’t interested. I’m no scientist, but I hypothesize there’s a greater chance of finding love if you ask someone out who finds you attractive and interesting to begin with.


It’s not that I’m not a feminist. I definitely think men and women should be able to compete together on an equal playing field. It’s just I have this feeling that girls who chant all day about women’s rights might have some insecurities that run on a more personal level. A secure woman knows her worth and doesn’t rely on an ideology to tell her what she can and can’t do.


In addition to supporting and encouraging you pursuing your own goals and dreams, she will have her own as well. A mature woman has a vision for her future and chases after it with voracity.
A mature woman will be someone you can take on the world with. A partner in crime, a teammate in your relationship, and in life.


Being consistent is a valuable virtue because it lets your partner know that you really are who you are. You haven’t sent your “representative” to get to know them during the first couple of months of dating, but then suddenly transform once they’ve committed themselves to you.
To clarify the point, think of consistency as the opposite of volatility. If someone is unpredictable and volatile, it’s difficult to know how they will be acting towards you on a certain day, and that gets old no matter how aesthetically pleasing she is.


Before I get heat from people who say that not everyone is close to their family and that doesn’t make them a bad person or whatever – that goes without saying. Let’s keep in mind that I speak from my own perspective and to me, a woman who values both her and my family is important when considering a long term future. I’m sure most men who someday want a family of their own would agree with me.


I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Class has nothing to do with the price tag on your outfit. Class is about the dignity you carry yourself with and the level of respect you show to those around you.
It doesn’t matter what kind of car someone is driving, what part of town they live in, or what brand of clothing they’re wearing – if they have an ugly attitude and embarrass others in public, none of it matters.


I am all about giving in relationships. I believe seeing your significant other happy should also make you happy – but it is important to understand that it goes both ways.
Her putting in effort doesn’t have to be much. It can be something as simple as slipping the waiter her debit card to pay for dinner. It’s no secret that sometimes the romance wears off of longer term relationships, but you shouldn’t let it – and neither should she.
If a woman continues to do what she knows attracted you in the first place, even after she got you a long time ago, it shows she cares about keeping you around.


Whether it be committing to reading a new book or watching a documentary on a topic she wants to learn more about, a mature woman is always looking to improve in order to live a happier life.
In a generation of photoshop and ultra-thin fashion models, there is so much emphasis on improving the body that we cannot forget to also improve the mind.


This is an identical point to the last one in the male version of this article, because it is equally true for both genders. A woman will empower those around her. She will strive for greatness and therefore inspire others to strive for it as well. This not only includes friends and co-workers, but also significant others.

As Mark Twain said – Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.


How long will you stay in a committed relationship with a beautiful or handsome liar? If you cannot trust your partner or believe what they say, how can you construct a solid, lasting foundation with them? You can’t.
Being compassionate, supportive, and encouraging towards your partner is a huge part of building a successful relationship. Nobody wants a person who is a “Debbie Downer” all the time and will not support them in their endeavors or their times of need.


Date a Girl Who Doesn’t Talk Shit. If she’s talking shit to you about someone else, chances are she’s talked shit about you to someone. A keeper Doesn’t Pick Her Nose In Front of You. Girl who respect herself. I’m not saying your girl needs to be rail thin or the next Crossfit champion.
But ultimately, a girl who loves and respects herself is going to take care of herself. That means eating right, exercising, and carving out some time for her. Taking care of you by asking whether you have eaten something or not, etc….
By mkoonline

GENERALTypes Of Girls You Should Avoid And Date – A Comprehensive Guide For Dating Girls.


Types Of Girls You Should Avoid And Date – A Comprehensive Guide For Dating Girls.

Selecting the right Girl is necessary to lead a happy and healthy life. Compatibility in values, life goals and faith/spirituality is key. You also want someone who inspires you to be the best you can be. Above all choose someone who is genuine, trustworthy, loyal and kind. Let’s Roll in the article the types of Girls you should avoid and date.


Girls with eccentric characteristics that you should avoid. And here are reasons why you must think before you date such Girls.


She was born to empower, enlighten and save women from the chauvinistic men on earth. Her talks begins and ends with ‘how men are ass holes’. This biased girl will have no respect for you just because you are her boyfriend. Your girl friend fits the frame? Time to move on, find yourself another girl and get a life buddy.


This girl is dominant and wants to show that she’s the supreme being. From choosing a place to eat and movies to choosing who you should hangout with, she takes a call. Sometimes you wonder if you exist at all.


She hates your best friend from Day 1 and makes it known to him and you at every given opportunity. She goes out of her way to come up with ways to break your friendship. Wants all the attention to herself.
You find yourself lying to her whenever you have to meet your buddy for lunch or catch up on a sport or a movie. She doesn’t give you space and should you ignore her text messages or choose not to answer her calls, then you have had it! And you began to feel love life sucks.


This one right here will win you over with her seductive glances and her flattering words. But the problem you’ll start noticing is that her flirting isn’t contained to just you. The glances she gives your waiter, the way talks to your roommate, or the way she giggles flirtatiously at your best friends jokes.
It’s one thing to be flirtatious as an avenue of affection within a relationship, it’s a whole other thing when you’re marked by your flirtatious way. Recognize this one quickly, because what you see here is what you’ll get.


She picks up a fight every time your female friend’s number starts flashing on your mobile. She keeps track of your call records and text messages to make sure you are not communicating with any other girl. And wouldn’t even introduce her best friend to you, she is highly insecure girl!
Love is about appreciation not possession.


And you are the loser…No offense meant. But that’s exactly how your situation will be if you happen to date the most popular chick in your college. Your ego gets a boost every time someone says ‘Hey! good catch.’ However, the reality bites! It’s her and her all the way. You have no identity whatsoever. You may be a hunk. But you are still referred to as ‘her boyfriend’. Would you like to live in her shadow?


Call it daylight robbery. This kind of girl will fleece you to no end and successfully make you fodder for ‘from riches to rag’ story! She will never volunteer to go dutch even to save her self-esteem. For instance, if you tell her: “We can’t watch this movie as I am broke,” she would much rather say “another day” than saying, “I’ll pay.” She lets you fend for all her needs.
She loves gifts, bouquets, cards or pampering of any kind. She’s for all the materialistic things in the world. She keeps dropping hints on what she likes so you can buy them for her! To her, giving her comforts and luxury is what love is all about.


Well, this is the kind of girl who no man wants. Just when you feel you are dating the best girl in town and put her in ‘your wish is my command’ position. Then dude, you have lost it! Her actual crush is on your friend and she uses you to get to him! Would you mind doing the favor?


She’s forever talking about her BFF. She coaxed you into celebrating her birthday and makes sure she’s around all the time. Her BFF always tags along and you don’t have privacy at all.


Drama with her momma, drama with her best friend, drama with her boss at work. This gal is characterized by drama everywhere she goes, and she tells you all about it. But the drama isn’t necessarily the dangerous part in this kind of woman, it’s the underlying belief that it’s always everyone else’s fault.
This woman is to be avoided because she doesn’t understand the meaning of taking ownership and responsibility of her life and relationships. And trust me, that blame-game will quickly become a part of your relationship, too.


You are trying to put forth your best side. You want to prove that you are a great boyfriend. However, she will never let you be in peace or be content with your efforts to make her happy. She’s constantly comparing you to her Ex or refers to her Ex with ‘He was this’, ‘He would do this’, ‘ He would Do that’, which irks and hurts you to say the least.


Some women take pride in the fact that they can double cross without letting the other man know. Worse, they are not embarrassed at all. Their BFFs are privy to the details..which means you are made to look like a fool. Love is all about honesty and loyalty.
By mkoonline